S3 Hosting

While preparing for my exams I had purchased this domain – dangilpin.click – to use during the labs for S3, Route 53, and CloudFront, etc. At that time I also had three existing web sites running on traditional hosts. I kept this domain to repurpose as a portfolio site, and have transferred the other three domains to AWS. I was thinking some content would have to go due to not having PHP anymore. But as it turns out that Google maps and analytics, and my contact forms all used javascript and remote servers to function – so those work without modification!

The only thing I had to leave behind was a php mySQL time-tracking app that I didn’t use anymore anyway (iPhone apps do it better now). I will save that as a good serverless project!

Now I have four sites served serverless-style via AWS! I was spending on the order of $200 per year for hosting fees. Now I will only spend about $30!

There are a few things to do yet:

  • get the www requests to go to the apex/naked domain name
  • get SSL certs for https requests
  • add dynamic content via Lambda and API Gateway
  • replicate wordpress-like functionality using S3
  • maybe an IOT project or two