Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course

Build 9 projects—master two essential and modern technologies in Python and PostgreSQL:

  • Object-Oriented Python
  • Python for web and APIs (Flask, OpenAuth, Twitter, Bootstrap, etc.)
  • Advanced Python (Assertions, Lambda expressions, etc.)
  • Data structures and algorithims (Binary Trees, Queues)
  • Advanced PostgreSQL RDMS and Python integration
Project screenshot
Certificate Of Completion

Building on AWS OTP-AWSD1 AWS Developer: Building on AWS

Synopsis of project: build a front and back end web project in AWS to:

  • Build the secure virtual infrastructure (VPC with public and private subnets, EC2, CloudFormation)
  • Register users and store data (Cognito and MySQL RDS, S3)
  • Process uploaded photos (Rekognition) and store data
  • Add on-prem processing (SNS, SQS with long-polling)
  • Test and debug with metrics (X-Ray, Cloud9 IDE)
  • Automate and decouple processes (Application Load Balancer, Lambda functions)
AWS Rekognition web application
Finished project screenshot